Project Update

Project UpdateNew Website Content

As a project update, MHP remains busy adding new features to our website. Some of our most recent updates include a new “About” page where you can learn how the Making History Project got started and what we do.

Also recently added was the “Corporate/Non-Profit Documents” page where visitors can review our corporate formation papers, Board meeting minutes, resolutions, and the non-profit status from the IRS.

Likewise, “Links” was added to share relevant resources for history, oral history, and Veterans. Our link directory just started but will be updated regularly with additional resources. Feel free to suggest any new links you feel may be helpful.

Finally, our official “Mission Statement” has been posted online for all to see. The Mission Statement is our stated purpose and why we do what we do.

Tactical Plan

For the foreseeable future, our only goal is to dedicate as much time as possible to complete the editing of all our existing Veteran oral history interviews so we can share them on the website. Currently, our Veteran Oral History Interviews that are online are but a fraction of the Veterans we have interviewed. Once finished, we will be sending those interviews off to the Veterans as well as the archives for preservation purposes.

Stay tuned for further updates down the road…

About Patrick Russell

Director and oral historian for the Making History Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving Veteran stories for future generations. Resides in Miami, Florida, where he is a full-time mediator and has been a practicing lawyer since 1994. Proudly serves as a staff member for the University of Florida Samuel Proctor Oral History Program, in addition to being a member of the Oral History Association, American Historical Association; Friends and Family of the 508 P.I.R.; and the Battle of the Bulge Association. Graduated from Marquette University with a B.A. in Political Science, and a law degree from the University of Miami School of Law. Additional courses and workshops for oral history and museum studies have been taken at Baylor University and Harvard University, Harvard Extension School. Contact info: (305) 608-2977 or

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